Sunday, January 16, 2005

I hate being alone
But I realised that in life, you have to learn to be alone.
It is not everyday that somebody will be there for you.
So you have to be there for yourself.
And that is really sad.

Posted by jieyi at 8:59 PM


Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Second day of orientation. A better day because it a better Aarde. People feel more enthusiastic, but some how due to the excessive screaming and talking, I have lost my voice * CROAKS~* but liked my group more and more. Hope for the best tomorrow because its like one of the last days when we are really going to play games and not listen to lectures...

*Note: Feeling depressed...did not meet Dong Xiang today but saw Da Hye from far. Should I join swimming team for her?

Posted by jieyi at 11:00 PM


Monday, January 03, 2005

Feeling dead now ( -_-) right after the first day of school... Did lotsa things today because the programme was like jammed packed. Finished everything like only at 6.30pm++ after listening the the OGL briefing about stuff for tomorrow. The mass dances which end the day is really bloody tiring especially when it is slotted everyday in our timetable after the games session. But in the college made me feel really small, like we are once a secondary 1 kid. There was a considerable amount of TK girls, however, felt that i still had to SOCIALISE. MS, nadiah and me were in the same group, Aarade(weird name). Our OGLs I will say has their pro and cons.

Pro: They happen to be all GUYS, and some of them are rather dashing i will say.
Con-s: These guys just lived in the world of their own. They don't even bother knowing your name and well, your presence. Even if you were to leave the group for hours, they will never know that you are not there until attendance marking time.

Our group, I will say is a rather not-so-enthusiastic group. The guys especially are so TIMID except for some. They do not even dare to volunteer for games and that they too refuse to socialise. Sigh. But hopeful that tomorrow will be a better day when we all go out of school ground to play outdoor games. Please don't rain!

Note: I SAW DONG XIANG TWICE TODAY!!!! So excited because she became so PRETTY!!! In addition, I feel*at least that's what I think* that she did notice me!!

Posted by jieyi at 7:36 PM
