Friday, December 14, 2007

Drug intoxicating

Today, a report that shocked the baseball sporting world - the Mitchell Report is released. The Mitchell Report is an investigation that is conducted over 20months. The result was stunning, devastating, tarnishing the image of sport itself.

Probably to Singaporeans, baseball might seem like an obscure sport, an exclusively American sports just like NFL. Yet all sports are battling the similar problem that the baseball commission is doing right now - against the usage of doping drugs. It is like deja vu of another Marion Jones incident. The Mitchell Report reveals current and former baseball players, many names are big shots, MVPs, All-Star candidates, Cy Young winners who are involved in consuming performance enhancing drugs.

It is appalling when you stare at the list of players named in the Mitchell Report. Those who ought to be in the Hall of Fame are now relegated to the Hall of Shame. Roger Clemens, deemed to be the best pitcher ever in baseball history; Barry Bonds, Home Run king tops the long list of players. Their mind-blowing performance, record breaking achievements were merely acts of falsity, it was all a facade. Drugs made them super-humans who could attain better results.

Not too sound like an angsty fan, but it is maddening to know that the baseball hero that you've admired and in awe of is no more than a drug addict who needs human growth hormones to sustain his career. Barry Bonds with 762 Home Runs is MLB's record holder but it was widely believed that he had a massive drug regime that sustained his remarkable batting performance. Photographs and archive shots of Barry Bonds when he started off his career and now are starkly different. The circumference of his head expanded at an astonishing rate, his entire body build swelled to beyond normal sizes. Physical facts and evidences have already pointed not in favour of him. Yet Bonds refusal to admit to his doping acts in face of federal charges against him is what makes me disappointed and angry.

The Mitchell Report listed at least one name associated with all 30 baseball teams, is top-heavy with players from the New York Yankees(Equivalent to the Chelsea of football. Owners who are rich and winning to splash out billions on players pay but are perennially underperforming) and the New York Mets, almost amounting to a performance-enhancement Subway Series.

Fans love the sport. We all love baseball. But the image of baseball is now all in shambles and it takes more than just lip-service from the commission to rebuild our confidence in the sport. The next time before I purchase my MLB jersey, I would want to take a look at who's name is printed on it. I'll think twice about Bonds or Clemens.

Posted by jieyi at 11:46 PM


Thursday, December 06, 2007

Seriously when I thought the worse was over, reality has to just come down upon me once more.

I am not asking for too much money. But give me just enough, enough for the next few years.

On a happier note, I've ended my exams (:

More sports for me tomorrow. I'm just afraid I'll forget all the stuff I need to know for work. RVO-VT, xRVO-CG come back to me....

Posted by jieyi at 12:06 AM
