Friday, July 29, 2005

Some sort of actualization dawned upon me today. What is life? Probably just like the fleeting clouds in the sky. The person may be here this minute and be gone -- forever overnight. Perhaps, this is just how fragile life is. Treasure those around you, even if you do not know those people, but have always happen to see them around the school. You will realise that when they are gone, you will miss them all of a sudden. Just this huge pang of emptiness in your heart...

Posted by jieyi at 10:50 PM


Thursday, July 28, 2005

I conclude that today is a HAPPY day.

1. Went back to TK for Prefect's Investiture and really caught up with the juniors. Felt like I am going back to my hometown to visit my relatives. It was basically FUN!!!! No matter how much TK changed and everything, but in my heart, it always felt like my second home, a great sense of belonging. Talked for a long time to Mrs Chan, Suat, Clara. Then the second surprise came about when I saw Sybil!! The TJ people had returned to apparently promote their school, yet in actual fact is to pon lessons. Nonetheless, was really elated that I could meet them and talked about the teachers. Ms Johara and her 30cm long ruler, physics file, TYS and physics textbook, Mr Ho and his "Girls.. SHHHHH". Hahahahahahhaha...

2. Came back home and found out that our dear Lin yao is back in Singapore. Woo HOOOOOOO....

3. WR and the working file has been approved. At last man... phew

So that's all for my happy day[:

Posted by jieyi at 9:25 PM


Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Oh crap. I am officially brain dead now. Just completed my PW. We have to hand in our Working File and outline for Written Report like TOMORROW!!! Hello!!!! Who in the world needs to hand in this early? It is all my PW teacher's fault... I had kindly typed out the outline, evaluation of 2 EoMs, 1 minute and printed them out in 3h. CRAPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!


TK rox...

Posted by jieyi at 10:58 PM


Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Drowning in the river of life

Can't wait to go back TK for investiture. Miss that place loads, where things were much simpler I guess and prolly where you feel more contented with things.

Somebody please give me money...

Posted by jieyi at 10:33 PM


Thursday, July 21, 2005

"Man was born free, and he is everwhere in chain.
Those who think themselves the masters of others are indeed greater slaves than they."
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Was practically nodding my head in agreement when I saw this quote. It is the things and the thoughts we have that simply traps us in this vicious cycle. Being further bogged down by all the thoughts running through our mind and the external events that are happening because we feel for them. We had chained ourselves up in our own thoughts... don't you agree with me?

Pretty excited about tomorrow...22nd of July, because it is the National Library's official opening day and I am going to be there!! Such a important day...

And to Ong Zhi Yong aka pervert Ong, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! All the best for everything, and may wishes all come true when you are 17th [:

Posted by jieyi at 11:30 PM


Friday, July 15, 2005

It's so irritating that the teachers nowadays are interfering with what the students are thinking. Is it wrong to look up to Hitler, idolizing Nazism just as how few million female fans scream their heads off for their favourite artiste? If showing acts of support for Nazism ought to be condemed, then these female fans who skip school, miss lessons queueing to catch a glimpse of their artiste should have been condemned.

Singapore does not provide an outlet for young Singaporeans to express our political ideas. Instead of immediately putting down the acts of these students, teachers should find out how these students are thinking.

Hitler is a great man for his time. His charisma is beyond description. Not many in the world, without looks and talent is able to convince millions of people to believe in his ideals. His oratorical skills is something worth learning from. It is important for one to look others beyond the surface. The old saying always goes, "Never judge a book by its cover". Sadly to say not many can do it.

-hmmm.. that sounds like a pretty selfish comment...Does it not?-

Posted by jieyi at 11:58 PM


Saturday, July 09, 2005

Oh man, I think I am seeing things...

Excerpt from Fly's blog entry:

"Cheng told us to start preparing for Promos already. Zzz. He said it would be less than 10 weeks away. *10 weeks (curly=) 3months (curly=) October* "Yes, it will be during early October. I think it starts on the... THIRD"

Erm.. excuse me, I thought mid-years just ended?

Posted by jieyi at 12:31 AM
