Monday, August 14, 2006

Thank you for messaging to tell me that you wish to fly with me on the plane too [: Heh Heh, you're the only one who would ever respond seriously to stuff on my blog. Thank you dear for making my day! It simply marvels me at how little acts like this can bring about a tremendous amount of joy for others. I should try doing this more often!

On the other note, must confess that I was rather consumed with sadness in the sense that you realise that nothing in this world is forever. Youth is never forever, friends are never forever, lovers are never forever. There is nothing that lasts for an eternity. It makes you feel like cherishing people and events around us much more. Yet the more we struggle to hold on to these memories, you realise that these memories are never forever too.

Time is indeed merciless.

To whoever out there who is reading this: I love you, I love you, I love you. MUACKS

Anyway , do you all still remember the Zany Green Parade. Muahahahhaha!!!! I miss those days terribly. Photos to recollect your memory:

Apollo Queen, the Herme-s Xiu and me and Zesus Leandra!!!! The wonderful float we made in the background.
The 2 pretty angels, Keow and MS!!! (:

[: Those were the days of being frollicking TKGians.
Ling Xiu!!! I just saw this picture we took during Block period I miss you so. Let's go and eat at the Indian restaurant okay? Msg me!
PS: Look at Ah Soh in that *ah-hem pose in the background. Sleeping in action!

Posted by jieyi at 9:20 PM


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Happy Birthday Singapore!

Yes, and talking about Singapore, it reminds me of an extremely unpleasant incident last friday that got me mad that I almost feel like pulling off somebody's head.

As we all know, Singaporeans love to quantify. Only after 16 can you watch Saw. Only after 18 can you watch Cold Mountain. Only after 21 can you watch steamy movies and Brokeback Mountain. Other ages below 16, you watch Finding Nemo.

So some ()*)*(_*&(*& organisation informed us that only those who commit themselves to 6h of Eldercare programme will be entitled to be a volunteer. Once again, the spirit of volunteerism and level of morality and conscious in us is being quantified. Doesn't volunteerism imply that it is done on a voluntary basis? That means that so long as I have completed that 6h, I am a saint that helps others?

This is simply a foolish method adopted by the organization. Haven't they realise that volunteerism comes from within the heart? Singaporeans need to realise that not everything in the world can be represented by statistical numbers. We are so obsessed with it that we are unable to appreciate many intangible items like the arts. Probably that is the reason why volunteerism never sparks off a major hoo-ha here.

Bah. And the other idiot who made me went went mad on Fri.

Posted by jieyi at 12:21 AM


Friday, August 04, 2006

Sometimes, I simply have the urge to just run away from the current situation.

Sometimes, when things just get unbearable, nothing in the world appeals to me more than fleeing.

According to Rae, her MSN nickname is always fly me on your plane.

Fly me on your plane. [:

Posted by jieyi at 2:50 PM
