Friday, February 25, 2005

As promised, I shall dedicate this entry to my dear friend Jessie:

Hey old cock, all the best for future years in Aussie and BETTER BRUSH UP YOUR ENG-RISH PRONOUNCIATION THERE!!!

Old cock's dictionary:

Shol-dier = shoulder
Army = arm
Chingi = Chingay
so on and forth which can be further kindly contributed by Li Huan, Nadiah and XinYi.

To Cock: Love ya forever, and don't forget all of us here. Muacks~

Posted by jieyi at 8:31 PM


Thursday, February 24, 2005

At the com lab attending IT club now. Well, a pretty neat bunch of geeks are sitting in front of me. Since no one is talking to me, I shall resort to blogging to express my ideas-.-

I have been hearing things about people and about things. As usual, those gossips about *** just dump his new girlfriend, *** being very mean to his friends and stuff like these. Firstly, I personally feel that it is alright for anyone to gossip, or I prefer to call it expressing your own opinions about anything that you feel unhappy about. But, this is on the condition that you do not slander or insult them excessively and spread nonsensical rumours around. Especially in TJ and I think most JCs, rumours just go around like wildfire and it kind of spice up our life here.

Yet, I believe that hearing is not all that counts. To judge someone or something, it is also important for us to open our eyes and see for ourselves. We will also have to feel, listen to what our heart says about the person. Do I really think that *** is such a mean person? Open your ears to listen but never forget to allow your eyes to judge and follow what your heart says. Be ready to refute any ideas that you do not agree with and not think like everybody else there.

Posted by jieyi at 5:09 PM


Tuesday, February 22, 2005

O level results are going to be released really soon. Good luck to everyone:
> for those who wants to stay, hopefully all of you will get your desired marks to remain where you want.
>for those who wants to have a change of environment, wish that you will successfully do so and adapt really fast.
>for those waiting to enter the polytechnic, I will still love you all! I am sure you will appreciate the independent learning over there.[:

For me, its conflicting interest now. I do not know if I should remain contented and stay put at where I am or uproot myself to pusue what I really like. Of course, ultimately, the results will be decided based on my grades. Yet I have not manage to convince myself that where I am now is where I want to be.

"For a moment like this, some people wait a lifetime.
For a moment like this, some people search forever.."

Will I ever treasure what I have this moment?

Posted by jieyi at 3:26 PM


Ok, I don't know who can see this set of Chinese text. I myself have problem deciphering it. But to whoever who sees this, please tolerate with the minute-ness of the words[:

桃源行 - 王维

月光所照耀的世界是如何的呢? 它真的会和诗里所描写的那样美丽吗? 月光下的屋子是如此的平静, 如此的幽闲. 那种安宁是我们都世人永远也体会不到的. 我们必需到一个离开繁华城市喧哗的地方, 见得到月亮和星光的世外桃源. 在那儿, 我认为大家才可感受到夜的平静, 世界的美妙. 但新加坡街边的路灯多得我再也见不到月亮了.

Posted by jieyi at 2:51 PM


Monday, February 21, 2005

Monday is my favourite day because its a day of breaks. When everyone in the class will be listening to chemistry lessons, we are out at Bedok Interchange eating lunch. Well, I know its cheap thrill but I thrive on them. *evil grinz~

I wish the rain would come. Drizzle a little on the grass and stop all those nonsensical bushfires going around the East side of Singapore. It is fogging the whole area, choking everybody's lungs with the disgusting burning smell, soot and dust particles. The grass patches in the once green fields are shrivelling, crinkling up like old ladies' skin.

Have you ever wondered what happened to Mother Earth? Singapore's long period of drought could or will most likely be caused by the human kind ourselves. We have been dumping legally and illegally everywhere, on land, underground and into the seas. We have been polluting the earth ever since Industrial Revolution began. Huaman's retribution is beginning, but somehow, I still do not believe that the end of the world is approaching. It is just the sickening human's shortsightedness, failing to consider the consequences -.-

Posted by jieyi at 8:56 PM


Friday, February 18, 2005

I was pretty shocked to today. Well, ya da ya da.. I found out that maybe, we should never judge anyone by their cover. There was this person, although he always skip lessons, refuse to listen to lessons and doing stupid stuff at the back of the class. I actually thought badly of him because his actions obviously don't reflect well on his character. But, I realise that there's another side to him which explains his actions. It made me realise the importance of finding out who a person is deep down inside is not through what you see on the outside. It is what he really thinks that matters and that's what I realise I do lack at times.

Posted by jieyi at 4:04 PM


Tuesday, February 15, 2005

What am I to do with my life
How am I supposed to know what's right?
I can't help the way I feel
But my life has been so overprotected

I tell them what I like
What I want
What I don't
But every time I do I stand corrected
Things that I've been told
I can't believe what I hear about the world,
I realize I am overprotected

Just heard this song over 98.7 yesterday after so many years. I liked the lyrics because its substantial unlike songs around nowadays that are tuneless and meaningless.

Posted by jieyi at 8:05 PM


Monday, February 14, 2005

V-day today and received lots of chocs and sweets thanks to my sweet friends who made my day[:

Feeling that its quite sad that some presents are not lasting because they are perishable goods in economic terms*rolls eyes please people*. Its just like how some people changed since the good old secondary school days and their change is very evident i believe. Nobody mentions about it, so I shall not. I feel sad for these changes but I cannot stop them. Why must they change? This sucks.

Posted by jieyi at 8:57 PM


Wednesday, February 09, 2005

So sorry everybody for this long break in all my entries. I was rather lazy and unable to make much amendments to my template due to my poor knowledge of HTML. Hence, I kind of screwed up my previous template. Although this template isn't one of the best templates that is avaliable, but I kind of like it. Sorry to all my fans. [:

PS: BTW, I am sure you all will notice the numerous flaws in my blog because firstly, i don't know how to add the links. Secondly, the entries are like so far apart. Thirdly, my tagboard looks weird. So if any of you happen to like see me on msn, please enlighten on how to correct this problem. Thanks a million!!

-Happy CNY to all and missing you all tKGians!-

Posted by jieyi at 11:42 PM
